Online SAT Score Report Help

Your SAT score report shows you how well you did on your assessment. It also provides you with personalized feedback on how to improve your skills so that you'll be ready for college and career.

Digital SAT Format

For students who took the digital SAT:

If your scores aren't yet ready, you'll see a note after signing in that says, "Your Score is Coming." You'll still have the option to see scores from a prior test administration by clicking View Available Scores. If you don't see this button, you may not have taken a prior test. If you have, your scores might not be matched to your account. You'll then click Find Missing Scores to access the Matching Tool.

Your score report is more than a vehicle for retrieving scores. It is designed to help you understand what your scores mean in relation to your knowledge and skills in the context of college and career readiness requirements, the performance of other test takers, and your goals.

Total Scores

The total score is the sum of the two section scores; its range is 400–1600.

Section Scores

Students receive scores in the range of 200–800 for each of the two sections:

Score Summary

When accessing a digital score report, you'll see a score summary that includes the following:

Score Details

Using the links in your score summary from the digital score report, you can navigate to your Score Details. This page includes the following:

To get to these features, click the Go To navigation at the top of the Score Details page. It will take you to three different sections of Score Details that include the detailed information above:

How to Download Score Reports

On the Scores Summary page, click Download Report.

Improve Your Skills

Use your online score report, practice tests, and Khan Academy ® to improve your skills. To get started:

  1. Click Skills Insight to see which Reading and Writing and Math skills you should focus on. You'll find tips for test takers with section scores in your range. Speak to your counselor and teachers about classes and coursework that will help you improve.
  2. We recommend you take a full-length practice test in Bluebook™. This will let you familiarize yourself with test content. The full-length practice tests will give you a score.
  3. You can go to Khan Academy and enter your planned test date and location to be directed to the best test prep content for your test type. Khan Academy's SAT course content includes videos, articles, and worked examples designed to help you understand and experience what's new about the SAT Suite. Visit

Get College Ready

Understanding your scores and making a plan to improve your skills are important steps toward college. To get more ideas for college planning and exploration, check out Next Steps and BigFuture tools in your score report.

Send SAT Scores to Colleges and Scholarship Programs

To see where you've already sent your scores and to send more score reports:

  1. Click Send Your Scores under Next Steps in your score report to see where you've already sent your scores.
  2. On that same page, click Send Scores to send your scores to other colleges and scholarship programs.

Paper SAT Format

For students who took the paper SAT:

Your score report is more than a vehicle for retrieving scores. It is designed to help you understand what your scores mean in relation to your knowledge and skills in the context of college and career readiness requirements, the performance of other test takers, and your goals.

Total Scores

The total score is the sum of the two section scores; its range is 400–1600.

Section Scores

Students receive scores in the range of 200–800 for each of the two sections:

Test Scores

The range for the following test scores is 10–40:

Cross-Test Scores

The range for cross-test scores is also 10–40. These scores represent performance on select questions across the three tests and show a student's strengths in the following domains:


Subscores in the range of 1–15 offer feedback on student performance in the following skill areas:

SAT Essay Scores

The following three scores for the SAT Essay, if applicable, are on a 2–8 scale:

These scores aren't added together or combined with any other test scores. A student's online scores show the prompt the student responded to and the student's essay.

Score Ranges

A student's ability is better represented by score ranges than points. Score ranges are derived from the standard error of measurement and show how much student scores would likely vary if the student took a different administration of the test under identical conditions. Score ranges are as follows:

Areas of Strength and Weakness

Go to the Score Details page for your test scores, cross-test scores, and subscores. These scores give you detailed analyses of your performance in specific areas. Areas where your skills are strong appear in green. The red and yellow zones are important to focus on because they show where you most need to improve your skills. Learn more about SAT scores and what they mean to you.

How to Download Score Reports

  1. On your dashboard, click the arrow on the right of any score report.
  2. If you're printing from your desktop, click the Download Your Score Report button on the top right. If you're using a mobile device, click the download icon on the top right.

Test Questions


For a detailed look at your answers, you can order score verification for a fee:

  1. Go to your report's Score Overview.
  2. Click Test Questions near the top of your screen.

You'll be prompted to order the service available for your specific SAT test day.

If you've already ordered a verification service, you'll see a summary of your questions after you follow the two steps listed above.

Improve Your Skills

Use your online score report—and Khan Academy ® —to improve your skills. To get started:

  1. Click Skills Insight to see which Reading, Writing and Language, and Math skills you should focus on. You'll find tips for test takers with section scores in your range. Speak to your counselor and teachers about classes and coursework that will help you improve.

Get College Ready

Understanding your scores and making a plan to improve your skills are important steps toward college. To get more ideas for college planning and exploration, check out the Popular Tools on your dashboard.

Send SAT Scores to Colleges and Scholarship Programs

To see where you've already sent your scores and to send more score reports:

  1. From your dashboard, click Score Sends from the top menu.
  2. Click the Send Additional Score Reports button.


If you opted in to Student Search Service™, you could also be invited to apply for scholarships offered by our other partners.

Troubleshoot Missing Scores

If you've signed in but don't see your score report, make sure scores for your assessment are ready by checking the SAT score release schedule.

If scores have been released but you can't see yours, log in to the student score portal and click either the Matching Tool link on the dashboard or the Don't see your scores link in the Additional Scores menu:

Providing Personal Info

To protect your privacy, we need to ensure the score report is linked to you. If the identifying information in your online account doesn't match the information you provided, try again or enter your registration number to retrieve your scores. If you're still having trouble, contact customer service.

Where to Find Your SAT Registration Number

Your SAT registration number is printed on your admission ticket. Counselors can also retrieve your registration number from their online score reporting portal.

More Troubleshooting

Merging Multiple College Board Accounts

If you created multiple College Board accounts using different email addresses and want to merge them, contact us.

SAA Indicator

If you see "SAA" (state-allowed accommodation) on your score report, you've taken the assessment with a testing accommodation allowed by your state but not approved by the College Board.

If you took the SAT with these state-allowed accommodations, you can't send those scores to colleges or scholarship programs.

For more help, call 866-433-7728. For international and TTY phone numbers, go to the Contact Us page.