Document Management System (DMS)

This service is offered as an optional extra to Employee Records Management, or as a standalone service.

Storage of paper files can be difficult and hosting electronic documents locally can have capacity limitations. Our DMS solution makes sure employee documents are held securely in an online environment. We digitise your documents and manage your retention schedule, ensuring full GDPR compliance.

You will have full access to the system with the ability to add new records, and set access and editing privileges.


Setup and migration

We offer the following:

Paper file scanning

All paper documents are scanned and held electronically by us. Original documents are stored by the NHSBSA for 90 days, then destroyed.

Document migration

Document submission

Employee status updates

Site access and permissions admin

Monthly reporting

Reports are produced monthly showing DMS activities including document uploads, access, deletions and amendments. Those with access to the DMS site can view these reports at no additional cost.

Audit, file share requests, subject access requests (SAR) and freedom of information (FOI)

We can collate employee documents for audit purposes and share specific employee documents at a cost per document.

You can also access documents yourself without any additional charge.

Employee name changes

We can deliver digital pre-employment checking as a stand-alone, off-the-shelf service for any organisation. Email us at for a quote.