iBuy - How to Find an Invoice in iBuy

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to find an invoice or credit memo in iBuy, explains the different ways an invoice loads into iBuy, navigates you through the layout and fields of an invoice, and describes how to view invoices scanned by Digital Mailroom (DMR), a module in iBuy. NOTE: for the purpose of this job aid, all instructions apply to invoices and credit memos.

How to Find an Invoice in iBuy

From the iBuy homepage:

  1. In the Search field at the top of the iBuy homepage, enter the known iBuy invoice number. iBuy invoice numbers start with INXXXXXX.
    NOTE: make sure the Quick Search Type drop-down menu to the left of the search box is set to All.
  2. If an Invoice number is not known, you can search by a purchase order number in the Search field. The Quick Search results will return a list of Invoice number(s) if the university has received an invoice. The INXXXXXX number can be selected and will take you directly to the Invoice in iBuy.
    NOTE: all ordering phases of an iBuy order are directly hyperlinked from the purchase order.

From the Purchase Order:

  1. Another way to find an invoice and or credit memo is to view the purchase order in iBuy and select the Invoice tab located across the top of the PO. This tab will directly link you to all received Invoices associated with a purchase order.
  2. When viewing a purchase order in iBuy, the associated requisition and invoice(s) are hyperlinked under Related Documents, found on the right side in the Summary sidebar, and can be selected to view. The same applies when viewing a requisition or invoice, the associated documents are linked for convenience.

From the Menu bar:

  1. Select Orders>Search>Invoices or Accounts Payable >Invoices >Search for Invoices. Both locations will provide a list of invoices in the last 90 days.
  2. The search results can be easily adjusted to expand or reduce the date range by selecting the Created Date: drop-down menu. Select from one of the options in the popup box and click Apply.
  3. The option to add filters to the search results is available by selecting the Add Filter drop-down menu.
  4. The option to add additional columns to the search results can be done by selecting Configure Columns (the cogwheel icon in the top right corner of the search results).
    1. From the popup Configure Column Display window, select the column(s) by checking the box next to the available columns. Upon selecting a column, the value will be moved to the right-side list.
    2. From the same window, you can change the order in which the columns report in the search and/or remove columns you do not want in the search by selecting the trash can icon.
      NOTE: To save your changes, check Pin Columns as my defaults located in the top right corner of the window and click Apply.
    3. Select Pin Filters from the top right corner of the search results to make your changes to the default layout for future invoice search results. You will receive a pop-up box asking you to confirm the change. Select Yes.
      NOTE: any time you want to remove the saved pin filter, select Clear All Filters and then Pin Filters. This will revert the search back to the system default search settings.

    Invoice Fields and Possible Values

    Before contacting University Payables or AITS iBuy Production Support, users can check on the status of an invoice in iBuy. Below are key fields and the possible values to assist.

    Pay Status - In Process, Payable, Paid, Canceled

    Match Status (refer to the Matching tab details below): Unmatched, Matched, With Forced Matches

    Invoice Source - (how the invoice was sent to the university): Email, Electronic, Supplier Portal, Digital Mailroom, Manual

    How an Invoice Loads Into iBuy

    There are several ways invoice is received into iBuy.

    cXML Invoicing

    Electronic Invoicing (PO flip)

    Digital Mailroom (DMR)

    PO Special Payment Requests

    How to View an Invoice Image in iBuy

    Not all invoices will have an image of the vendor invoice. As outlined in the section above, only those vendor invoices received by email or mail will have an image. For an invoice that does have an invoice image, follow the steps below to view that image.

    1. Navigate to the invoice in iBuy.
    2. On the right side of the screen in the Summary sidebar, select the .pdf hyperlink under Invoice Image to view the image.
    3. The iBuy screen will split, displaying the invoice details in iBuy on the left and the image of the vendor invoice on the right.
    4. Invoices submitted by Electronic Invoicing vendors or by the SPR form will be found on the header level under Internal Attachments and will also be found on the Attachments tab within the invoice.

    Navigating an Invoice in iBuy

    AITS iBuy Support and University Payables will refer to fields and details of an invoice being located at the header level or the line level. Additionally, they will reference tabs of an invoice. When pulling up an invoice, the default tab is Summary. But there are additional tabs that contain important invoice details. Below are explanations of those levels and tabs.

    Header level

    Line level

    Payment Information box

    Matching tab

    Comments tab

    Attachments tab

    History tab

    Keywords purchase order digital mailroom credit memo Suggest keywords Doc ID137408
    OwnerValorie E.GroupUI Training and Development Resources
    Created2024-05-16 10:27:42Updated2024-05-21 14:10:40
    SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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